Episode #15: The Inflammation Antidote: One Woman's Radical Approach to Healing MS Naturally

Facing a devastating diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at age 30, Elizabeth's world was turned upside down. Her neurologist delivered crushing news - predicting she'd likely end up wheelchair-bound by 40 as the disease ravaged her body and nervous system. He offered her a false choice - either take the toxic drugs he prescribed to simply slow the inexorable decline or do nothing and deteriorate faster. Neither seemed much of a life raft. Refusing to accept the life sentence handed down, Elizabeth radically transformed her diet and environment - eliminating all processed foods and chemicals. The impact was remarkable - within 3 years, her MS stopped progressing entirely and her symptoms had disappeared.

My special guest is Elizabeth Yarnell

Now running an online academy, Elizabeth shares the hard-won wisdom from her 25 year journey studying nutrition and fighting inflammation. Her inspiring story proves we all have power over our own health - simple diet and lifestyle changes alone can transform outcomes even in the face of daunting diagnoses.

Find out more about what we are doing to help people live pain-free by visiting iampainfree.com


"Any kind of healing practice or any kind of modality that wasn't pharmaceutical based and basically said it was all witchcraft and it was not modern science. - Elizabeth Yarnell"

In This Episode:

  • New hope - MS and chronic disease progression can be halted through natural means

  • How to address inflammation at the root - the driver of nearly all symptoms

  • Steps to remove environmental toxins and processed foods causing inflammation

  • Elizabeth's empowering message that we can overcome limitations and thrive amid adversity


  • Visit theinflammationequation.com/Rob to register for the free nine-day event The Inflammation Equation launching on May 13th.

  • Text the word pain free to 417-246-3733 or visit iampainfree.com to access a free three-episode private podcast series called Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain Free Existence.

  • Learn more about pain relief solutions and access valuable resources by visiting iampainfree.com or texting pain free to 417-246-3733.

Connect with Rob Rene:

In this episode :

  • New hope - MS and chronic disease progression can be halted through natural means

  • How to address inflammation at the root - the driver of nearly all symptoms

  • Steps to remove environmental toxins and processed foods causing inflammation

  • Elizabeth's empowering message that we can overcome limitations and thrive amid adversity

I am Pain Free" is a holistic approach to pain management that offers an alternative to traditional pain medications.

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If you're ready to discover a different path to managing your chronic pain, we invite you to explore our holistic approach.

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